Rehoboth Soccer 2025
Teaching Soccer & Training Children
Sign Ups & Evaluations
All K4-7th Grade Students
February 8th & 15th | 10AM – 2PM
Cost $35.00 per child
All players are required to attend one of these evaluations, but registration forms and payments can be completed in advance at this link. Note: the actual form for registration is available at the beginning or end of the registration. This will be a PDF that, when downloaded and saved to your device, will have fillable boxes for each field. Please complete this form and email it to

Rehoboth Soccer practice begins March 10th
Games begin March 21st
All participants will receive a game jersey, shorts, socks, and an end of the year award.
If you have any questions, please call the church office at (912) 739-3231 or email us at